Thursday, April 14, 2011

Parker Charles

My sweet little baby is a year and a half! Parker still has a very calm and easy going personality but we are definitely starting to get a glimpse of the terrible twos. He tells me no A LOT and likes to insist on doing things himself. He likes to copy his big brother when makes funny faces or silly noises but Parker is very independent. While Colin is off sword fighting and kicking balls, Parker is usually tinkering with something. He loves to take stuff apart and put it back together or try and stack toys up or fit things in little holes. Engineer maybe? He also a loves books and being read to. He loves any kind of music and loves to dance! It is so fun to watch him moving and "snapping" along to the beat with a huge grin on his face.
Parker is talking a bunch and repeats everything! Whenever I ask who is ready for a bath or who wants a snack, Parker is always first to say "Meeeeeeee"! He is still my great sleeper. Thank goodness because I am not quite ready for him to give up his two naps yet :). He is also a really good eater. He is always hungry. Even if he just ate, he wants a snack. Or if you are eating something, you better plan on sharing! He loves juice, apples and carrots. He is really good at feeding himself with a spoon or fork. He has even been eating cereal and yogurt all by himself!
I can't wait to see how Parker is as a big brother. He loves babies and is so sweet with them so hopefully he will be the same way with his baby sister :). Only six more months and this boy will be TWO! I can't believe it!


beisbolfan2007 said...

So maybe he gets the engineer thing from Great Uncle Matt, reading from Baynie & Great Aunt Nancy, and the dancing from YaYa!

Alex Hardy said...

18 MONTHS already! I remember when Colin was 18 months!

You are an awesome Mom Dani!