Tuesday, March 9, 2010

bye bye bb

It has been exactly a week since Colin said goodbye to his binky (he called it his bb). I have tried a million times in the past year to make him give it up but I was never strong enough and always gave in. This time it was Colin's idea! We were planning on going to the zoo and I was telling Colin that they have a new baby zebra. Right away he told me he wanted to bring him his binky. It was so sweet and he was so excited! So we "left" it for him right at the top of his fence (I told him the zebra's mom would come and get it for him before he takes a nap :) That night we had TWO hole hours of crying and whining but it has gotten less and less and he hasn't had a pacifier since. He still asks for it sometimes but there is no more crying! Yay!

It was kind of hard to see the baby zebra so I couldn't get a good picture but here are some pictures of the rest of our day at the zoo.


Gabi said...

Yayyyy Colin!!!!! So proud of both of you!!! :)

beisbolfan2007 said...

Two big boys!