Wednesday, September 3, 2008

SEE you soon

saturday i am having lasik eye surgery!! i can't wait. i have been wearing glasses and contacts since i was a freshman in high school (13 years!!). i can't even remember what it is like to wake up in the morning and be able to actually see! i am not very nurvous for the actual procedure, but the care after is pretty intense. i can't wear any eye make-up for two weeks and i have to put like three different drops in my eyes every 30 minutes for two weeks. plus, i have to wear an eye shade when i sleep on so i don't rub my eyes...maybe i can get one of those ones that says DIVA or PRINCESS on it ;)

wish me luck...

1 comment:

beisbolfan2007 said...

Good luck, Dani! We're thinking of you here in cool, colorful Colorado.