What can I say about this sweet face?!! Love Love Love!
My sweet P is still a mellow and happy baby.
This months Parker:
*LOVED trying new foods! He has had applesauce, bananas, pears, peas, sweet potatoes, squash, and rice cereal and he loves them all!
*Rolls around all over and scoots around in circles when he is on his stomach.
*Sits up by himself (but I still have to stay close by because
he is still a little wobbly).
*Has started reaching for me (I love this of course!)
*Laughs when his brother is being silly.
*FINALLY takes formula! After trying about 4 different kinds,
we finally found one he likes (O Organics from Safeway).
*Is still nursing but has 2 formula bottles a day.
*Loves being outside!
Length: 26 1/2 inches (50%)
Weight: 16lbs 20z (10-25%)
Head: 44cm (50%)