kelly, colin, my mom and i all went to houston last week to visit the aycocks. we had so much fun hangin' out with them for the week! the boys are all getting so big and reese-kathryn is as cute as can be :) colin LOVED being around all the kids. he would just sit and watch the boys run around and every once in a while would let out some yells to try and get some attention (and he kind of brought that home with us). colin and reese-kathryn we soooooo cute together! they would try and hold hands sitting next to each other in their high chairs and were even sharing their food. they are both at such a fun age...i can't wait to watch them grow up together. we were sad to say good bye, but we are excited to see them all again this summer in mexico! love you guys and miss you already!!!
lookin' out the window of the plane

holding hands at lunch :)

shopping with kelly

having lunch together

after their bath

watching carter's baseball game

walker, kelly and anderson

playing out side with all the kids

he loves it!!!!

all the boys: walker, carter, colin and anderson